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Topic: Thinking Politically

  • U.S. Waging Domestic War and Preparing for More

    As the economic, political, and moral crisis of capitalism deepens, it is clear that the rulers have made their decision. And that decision is intensified class warfare in the U.S and abroad. This understanding is important because it recognizes that, because of the commitment to neoliberal market fundamentalism and the irreconcilable contradictions that emerged from…

  • Celebrating Amilcar Cabral – National Liberation and Culture

    Every September 12, we like to celebrate the life of Amilcar Cabral, the father of Cape Verdean and Guinea Bissau’s independence. As you all know, Cabral fought for the independence of his land, of his people, from the imperial Portuguese domination. He also talked a lot about understanding the link between national liberation and culture. The…

  • The Climate Movement Must Disrupt the Normal Flows of Fossil Capital

    The Climate Movement Must Disrupt the Normal Flows of Fossil Capital

    The science is eminently clear. Because so much valuable, irretrievable time has been lost, assets have to be stranded. Investments must be written off too early for capitalist taste; on one estimate, the instant suspension of every project in the pipeline would make 2°C achievable only if accompanied by the decommissioning of one-fifth of all…



              Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega speaks to supporters. Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images.   When Kamala Harris finally traveled to the U.S./Mexico border last week, she met several young women asylum seekers.  The vice president likely saw Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans who were fleeing from violence and extreme poverty.  But she probably did…

  • A Palestinian village in 1948: Anatomy of an Israeli massacre

    The Israeli record of war crimes since 1948 has been unparalleled in its multiplicity, severity, consistency, and duration for over seven decades. Over all this time, Israel has escaped the world’s legal accountability, other than occasional motions of censure. Today, however, there are signs that this could change.  After a number of attempts to exclude…

  • Are Zionists the Same as Nazis?

    Are Zionists the Same as Nazis?

    Jewish rioters lynching an Arab man in the city of Bat Yam. Crazy photo by Reuven Castro The messages were released in the context of recent attacks by extremist Jewish Israelis on Palestinians, their homes and businesses as Israel escalated its attacks on the occupied West Bank and Gaza over the last week. “We are…

  • From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno

    The election of Lasso as president opens a new stage in the implementation of policies that will be even more favourable to Ecuadorian Big Capital, to foreign multinational corporations, to an alliance among right-wing presidents in Latin America and to the pursuit or indeed reinforcement of US domination on the continent. The election outcome on…

  • Extinction Rebellion

    Extinction Rebellion

    We have understood the science of the climate crisis for over 30 years. The first IPCC report, where the world’s scientific community set out the scale of the problem, came out in 1990. But our governments chose not to act then, and still fail us today.  Read more … 2 scientists throw paint and stick…

  • “America is Back” – Joe Biden’s US Foreign Policy

    US President Biden bellicosely proclaimed, “American is back,” in his major foreign policy priorities speech at the Munich Security Conference on February 19. Repeated twice for effect, Biden signaled the end of the Trump interregnum. No more assuring words could have been uttered for George W. Bush’s former Defense Secretary Colin Powell and the 70…

  • Do You Remember Cuba’s Dedication to Angola?

    Do You Remember Cuba’s Dedication to Angola?

    Anti-apartheid protests in South Africa in the 1980s. Paul Weinberg/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0   Cuban blood left its stamp on the conscience of the world after the Angolan Wars of 1975-1988. Corporate politicians are united in their desire for us to ignore this reality. * * * Fed up with foreign wars, Portuguese officers overthrew…