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Topic: Thinking Politically

  • Silencing America as it prepares for war

    The 2016 election campaign is remarkable not only for the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders but also for the resilience of an enduring silence about a murderous self-bestowed divinity. A third of the members of the United Nations have felt Washington’s boot, overturning governments, subverting democracy, imposing blockades and boycotts. Most of the…

  • Indonesia’s unnatural mud disaster turns ten

      Ten years ago this Sunday, May 29, one of the weirdest and most controversial disasters of the 2000s struck a densely populated area just outside the city of Sidoarjo in East Java, Indonesia. At 5:00 that morning, a slurry of dark gray mud burst from the soil and began oozing slowly across the landscape.…

  • Historic Preservation Wins Big in U City

    Historic Preservation Wins Big in U City

    But Will It Last? Historic Preservation Wins Big in U City   by Don Fitz   An April 2016 victory in University City MO saw all three progressive councilpersons winning as well as over 69% voting “Yes” on an unusual amendment to the city charter. Proposition H would require the city to obtain voter approval…

  • Lessons from the Orignal War on Coal: Class Conflict and the Fossil Economy

    In Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming, Andreas Malm seeks to determine how and why coal came to uphold “our commerce and our state.” This is not merely an academic exercise: Malm hopes the early days of fossil power might provide some clues as to how the coal…

  • A New Modernity

    A New Modernity

      A review by R. Burke of Nick Srnicek & Alex Williams' Inventing the Future; Postcapitalism and a World Without Work. A necessary ingredient for the success of the world-left is a cultural climate of modernism. We may debate exactly when the period of modernism begins, but referencing the history of Western Art can help…

  • Are Fair Skies Possible?

    Are Fair Skies Possible?

    A Review of Brian Tokar's book Toward Climate Justice: Perspectives on the Climate Crisis and Social Justice (Porsgrunn, Norway: New Compass Press, 2014). This expanded edition of Brian Tokar's book is a concise, valuable summing-up of the most important issue facing humanity today: how to stop runaway climate chaos while at the same time achieving…

  • America’s Astounding Human Rights Hypocrisy in Cuba

    Harvey Wasserman provides the facts that demonstrate the hypocrisy of the U.S. lecturing Cuba about human rights.

  • Towards a New Anti-Capitalist Politics

    An in-depth assessment of the current malaise of the international left and speculations on a way forward, rooted mainly in struggles over everyday life (reproduction of capital), restoring the commons, and renewing democracy.  From the founder of ROAR Magazine (, but this is a more accessible link to the article, I think.

  • Remember the Future?

    Remember the Future?

    A review by R. Burke of Douglas Murphy's Last Futures; Nature, Technology and the End of Architecture. Those of us who lived during the ‘60’s and early ‘70’s can remember a time when it was taken for granted that technological progress would lead to some kind of utopian world. The 1964 World’s Fair in New York…

  • Rebirth of the real left

    An excellent overview of the current relationships between electoral and extraparliamentary movements, mainly from a European perspective.