Topic: Thinking Politically
Brexit: Symptom, Not Cause, of Turmoil
Immanuel Wallerstein argues that the 'Brexit' vote is a symptom of deeper dysfunctions in the capitalist world-system, and that the political meaning of it will only become clear as a result of further struggles.
The First Demand for Slave Reparations
This is written for those who argue against reparations for slavery on the grounds that slavery happened oh so very – too – long ago to be a rational idea; for those who contend that no living black people were slaves; who argue that no living white people were slave owners; for people who…
Panic in the House: Brexit as Revolt Against the Political Establishment
Tariq Ali offers his thoughts on Brexit.
Can People’s Power Save the Bolivarian Revolution?
Seventeen years after Hugo Chávez was elected Venezuela’s President for the first time, the supporters of his Bolivarian Revolution, now led by President Nicolás Maduro, suffered their first major defeat in a national election in the December 6 elections to the country’s parliament, the National Assembly. Coming only two weeks after the victory of…
Why the UK Said Bye Bye to the EU
A post election summing up of the situation centered around the recent UK vote to leave the EU by Pepe Escobar.
Let Them Drown
We have dangerously warmed our world already, and our governments still refuse to take the actions necessary to halt the trend. There was a time when many had the right to claim ignorance. But for the past three decades, since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created and climate negotiations began, this refusal to…
Book Review: Endgame
When socialism first appeared as a modern political movement, it did so in a form that later came to be termed as ‘utopian.’ Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, Henri de Saint-Simon, and later Pierre Joseph Proudhon all strove to put forward plans and policies that they hoped would lead to a better, more desirable world. Such…
A Revolutionary Speech: Patrice Lumumba and the Birth of the Republic of Congo
A Revolutionary Speech: Patrice Lumumba and the Birth of the Republic of Congo by Ludo de Witte Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese independence leader and first democratically elected Prime Minister, was executed 55 years ago on 17th January, 1961. He had been beated and tortured in a culmination of two assassination plots by the Belgian government and the CIA, ordered directly by President…