Topic: Thinking Politically
Building a Mass Socialist Party
Sam Gindin thinks that the Sanders campaign signals that the conditions are right for building a successful socialist movement. To do this the socialist left will have to build a party actually capable of contesting and taking power.
The CIA Is Not Your Friend
Jody Cummings explores the allegations over Russian hacking and the US election, warning us not to fall for the propaganda of a new cold war.
Attack on St. Louis Homeless Foreshadows Things to Come
Attack on St. Louis Homeless Foreshadows Things to Come by Don Fitz The sub-freezing temperature was dropping. As the snow began to fall, many felt their hands were too cold to hold signs during the December 17 action. Two dozen had answered the Green Party call to picket the mayor of St. Louis for his…
Can the Left Find Its Voice in the 21st Century?
A Guardian reporter who closely followed the rise of UKIP suggests that with 40% of the US workforce now engaged in various forms of contingent work with no semblance of job security, the left needs to rethink its historic focus on work as the central aspect of people’s identity.
The War in Syria Cannot Be Won. But It Can Be Ended
Phyllis Bennis addresses current debates on the left around Syria, suggesting that the priority has to be on steps to end the war.
Pity, O God, the Republican
The iconic feminist author discusses important lessons from the rise of neo-fascist politics in Hungary and how they apply to the present-day US.
M. Pence will be the most powerful Christian supremacist in history
Exploring his nefarious history, and close ties to the likes of Nixon operative C. Colson and E. Price of Blackwater infamy, who was a $100K contributor to the Trump campaign.
Listening to Trump
Christian Parenti's analysis of the Trump phenomenon and why it was able to prevail.