Topic: Thinking Politically
Strategic Thinking and Organizing Resistance
Strategic Thinking and Organizing Resistance By Kim Scipes The first few weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency has seen an amazing explosion of mobilizing to oppose him and his administration on oh-so-many levels. And that has been heartening. But it is not enough. The fact is, as things now stand, Trump and his minions can…
President Duterte Of The Philippines For Dummies
When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ascended to power in 1999, almost no one in the West, in Asia and even in most of the Latin American countries knew much about his new militant revolutionary anti-imperialism. From the mass media outlets like CNN and the BBC, to local televisions and newspapers (influenced or directly sponsored by…
Newest Football Team: Trump University Traitors
Lying in bed Superbowl Sunday night, I saw the news of the spectacular win by the Patriots. Dozing off, I mused: Wouldn't it be a SuperDuperBowl if the “Patriots” played a team called the “Traitors?” But who would dub themselves “Traitors?” I drifted into the strangest dream. Donald Trump was surrounded his…
It Didn’t End With the Cold War
The recent controversy over claims of Russian hacking of the DNC during the 2016 presidential elections overlook the fact that the US government has been interfering in elections throughout the world for decades.
Ongoing Brexit Blues
The recent "Brexit" vote threatens to throw Britain's economy into chaos. Kenneth Surin asks if it is possible that the left can take advantage of this situation to make a case for "Lexit"
Dawn of the Resistance
Mark Harris speculates that the recent Women's March on Washington, as well as its' sister marches in other cities, is the beginning of a successful movement against capitalism in the US.
Chicago Police Bosses Targeted Cops Who Exposed Corruption
In autumn of 2012, the code of silence was very much in the news in Chicago. The trial of the civil suit brought against the city by Karolina Obrycka, the bartender struck and kicked by off-duty Officer Anthony Abbate in 2007, was unfolding before a jury in the federal courtroom of Judge Amy St. Eve.…
Book Review: The Long Transition
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union it has been fashionable to proclaim that the struggle between capitalism and socialism is over, and that capitalism has won. What if this is not the case? Could it be instead that we are in the midst of a long-term transition from capitalism to socialism that extends over…
Lessons From the “Airpocalypse”
Slavoj Zizek reminds us that being "responsible consumers" will not prevent ecological catastrophe.
Capitalism Is the Problem
Economist Richard Wolff argues that capitalism is to blame for the inequality & instability that threatens society. He proposes an alternative based on workers cooperatives as the solution.