Topic: Thinking Politically
Trump fears terrorists, but more Americans are shot dead by toddlers
Shortly before leaving America for Britain, after 12 years as a correspondent, the relative of one of my son’s friends politely declined my invitation to visit us in London. “I don’t think I could go to Europe,” she said. “It doesn’t seem safe.” Try as I might I could not suppress a laugh. My wife…
Europe’s False Choice
Miguel Urban argues that Europeans are being given a false choice between neoliberalism and nationalism.
The Coming Struggle: Popular Resistance versus the Trump Regime
A lifelong Marxist-Humanist-Anarcho-Utopian scholar and activist reflects on the challenges and prospects for the emerging resistance. Greeman writes: … Crony capitalism, although often dictatorial, is not yet fascism. It is of course nationalistic, authoritarian, racist, misogynist, fundamentalist and warlike, and it might easily degenerate into fascism – for example in the case of a crisis…
Book Review: Grand Hotel Abyss
One current of 20th century Marxism that remains highly relevant today is the Frankfurt School. Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Jurgen Habermas, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse all made profound contributions to a critical theory which provides us with insights into monopoly capitalism and its cultural effects. Many of the issues that they explored…
Reason, creativity and freedom: The communalist model
A reflection on the unique current relevance of social ecology’s communalist politics in our time. The article's broad historical scope addresses everything from ancient Greek democracy to the Iroquois/Haudenosaunee confederacy, the Paris Commune, the Zapatistas and the current Kurdish revolution in northern Syria.
The End of White Respectability
From Nick Powers of the NYC Indypendent, arguing that, with rising inequality, white-identified folks are choosing to abandon the politics of ‘respectability,’ in a rather twisted mirror image of what happened during the rise of an increasingly mainstreamed and commercialized Black Power politics in the late ‘60s. An insightful contribution to the ongoing debate over…
St. Louis Mayor’s Race Underscores Pitfalls of Plurality Elections
On March 7, 2017 Lyda Krewson won the Democratic Party nomination for mayor of St. Louis City with only 32.0% of the vote. Ms. Krewson is white. Six black candidates split over two-thirds of the votes. The problem goes beyond color. One of the hot-button issues has been the New Life homeless shelter, called a…
A controversial American school chain and the battle to teach Africa’s children
Should Bridge International Academies be allowed to experiment on African children? That’s the crux of a question academics, politicians and parents have been trying to answer for the last year. Bridge, which is backed the World Bank, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg among other luminaries, has been at the center of intense controversies across Africa.…