Topic: Thinking Politically
Election Interference Hypocrisy
If a guy does something bad to someone else, but then complains later when another person does that same thing to him, what do we say? Stop being a hypocrite. Either you change tact or you got what you deserved. Does the same moral logic apply to countries?
Green Party Growing Pains; Our Own Crisis of Democracy
A dominant issue at the Green Party 2017 Annual National Meeting was inclusion of and leadership by oppressed communities. The Green Party began as a party of primarily white environmentalists, but that has been changing over the past decade. In the current corporate kleptocracy, there is a dire need for a party of and by…
The Green Party – Marks in a Media Con Job
November, 2016 came and went and the world has since been immersed in the predicament of the Republican regime headed by the insane orange clown president and his unelected, and all-too-present familia. Within the American duopoly, the “opposition” Democratic Party has yet to recover from its resounding defeat and humiliation, retreating indefinitely into surreal and…
Before Punk, Skiffle Music Gave Voice to a Working Class That Wanted to Dance
Billy Bragg, the long-time socialist singer-songwriter & activist, has just written a new book on Skiffle, the DIY music style which galvanized British working-class teens in the early 1950's.
This Is Not Populism
John Bellamy Foster informs us that Trump's political vision is not populism, but actually neofascism.
Imperialism Is Alive and Kicking: A Marxist Analysis of Neoliberal Capitalism
C.J. Polychroniou interviews Prabhat Patnaik on the continuing role imperialism plays in the capitalist world-system.
Learning from History: Resistance in the 1850s and Today
History never really repeats itself, neither as tragedy nor as farce nor as something else entirely. Donald Trump is both a narcissistic and megalomanical fool and a tragedy for the U.S. and the planet. Yet, although there are certainly some alarming resemblances with Trump, he is not a reborn Mussolini or Hitler or some other…
New Catalan political space: one hurdle cleared on the road to left unity
The struggle to build a Catalan political force inspiring the level of support and activism needed to implement radical social change took a step forward in Barcelona on April 8, when the new “political subject” provisionally called Un País en Comú (“A Country Together”) held its founding congress. Un País en Comú, whose final…
The Summer of Love and the Winter of National Insecurity
Ira Chernus looks back at the '60's counterculture and the New Left, finding that each held values and visions whose fusion could provide the basis for a new society.
Review of A Great Vision: A Militant Family’s Journey through the 20th Century
A fascinating account of three generations of social justice activists.