Topic: Thinking Politically
It Wasn’t Russia, It was the Green Party!
We have the potential of an Edward R Murrow moment coming up if Jill Stein is called before a public hearing in the House or Senate. I was a supporter of Jill Stein for president in 2016 as I was also a Green Party congressional candidate in Maryland. I campaigned for her, spoke at same…
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa: The Legacy of Walter Rodney
A number of African economies have experienced a massive boom in wealth and investment over the past decade. Yet most ordinary Africans live in dire poverty with diminished life expectancy, high unemployment and in societies with low-levels of industry. For the roots of these conditions of “under-development,” one historical account stands alone in importance: Walter…
What’s Left of the Bolivarian Revolution?
There have recently been a number of pieces featured in NACLA and the progressive media outlet Jacobin evaluating the Nicolás Maduro government in Venezuela and questioning the ongoing viability of Chavismo. Leftist commentators have proclaimed the end of the Bolivarian Revolution and the failure of twenty-first century socialism, and have offered a takedown of the…
Cuba: From Machistas Leninistas to Educating Homophobes
Granted, politicians and religious institutions, of all shades and colors, have tried to legislate what were [or are] proper “carnal relations.” Certainly for a brief time the Bolsheviks in 1922 decriminalized homosexuality. But, generally speaking, neither the communists, the socialists nor the capitalists ever elucidated a Policy on Sexual Matters that would be central to their partisan politics. But that…
Bob Dylan Lays Down What Really Killed Rock ’n’ Roll
Brent Smith explores the subversive essence of rock music and the establishment's attempts to domesticate and commodify it.
It’s Not Just Class: The Fight for Racial Justice Is Inseparable from Overcoming Capitalism
David Roediger reminds us that overcoming class oppression involves overcoming racial oppression