Topic: Thinking Politically
On Caitlin Johnstone and David Cobb’s Attempt to Destroy the Green Party
Earlier this week we ran a piece by Yoav Litvin, in which he questioned why some Green Party members, including ex-presidential candidate David Cobb, who also served as Jill Stein’s campaign manager last year, would align himself with Caitlin Johnstone, a writer who openly calls for the left to team up with the racist far-right in order…
Qatar and the Saudi embargo
Rather than dismiss the Gulf states with simplistic stereotypes about ‘’Arab sheikhs with money”, this Saudi-Qatari dispute compels us to examine the capitalist economies driven by petrodollars.
Herbert Marcuse Remembered
Paul Buhle reviews "The Great Refusal; Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements."
Would Slavery Have Ended Sooner if the British Had Defeated the Colonists’ Bid for Independence?
"I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America, if I could have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery." — Marquis de Lafayette, French military leader who was instrumental in enlisting French support for the colonists in the American War of Independence. Historians have long grappled with the…
North Korea’s Fast Track Missile Development: How Far It’s Come and Why It Has the U.S. on Edge
Since President Trump took office, North Korea has conducted a flurry of missile tests, triggering a wave of condemnation by U.S. media and political figures. The reaction contains more than an element of fear-mongering, and it is sometimes implied that once North Korea has an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), it is liable to launch an…
A Most Bizarre Green Party Convention
A Most Bizarre Green Party Convention by Don Fitz Happenings at the first Missouri Green Party (MOGP) convention since it obtained ballot status were unusual, to say the least. They issue warnings to state Green Parties across the US as well as for any group that seeks to empower members to make decisions collectively.…
Jeremy Corbyn, the failed war on terror, Manchester and Britain’s secret imperial wars
Britain’s Libyan adventure is part and parcel of the imperialist state’s long history of secret foreign interventions. Britain’s empire ended a long time ago, but its role as an imperialist garrison-state did not.
Enough Nonsense! The Left Does Not Collaborate with Fascists
Waterboard me! Give me the Ludovico Technique with the Atlas Shrugged Trilogy playing on an endless loop! Anything, anything at all would be better than having to write about Caitlin Johnstone and the ongoing back-and-forth about her so called “journalism.” And yet, here I am, doing precisely that because, quite frankly, some things have to…