Topic: Thinking Politically
In Mexico, Solidarity Versus the State
The horrifying coincidence of this week’s devastating earthquake in central Mexico, coming on the 32nd anniversary of the temblor that killed more than 10,000 people in 1985, has led observers and survivors to draw constant parallels between the two disasters. But if the corruption and ineffectiveness of the state took some by surprise in 1985,…
Single Payer, the Democratic Party and the Nonprofit Industrial Complex
Residents of a small town in West Virginia are approached by land agents for a gas pipeline company. The residents are told that unless they sign over their property rights to the pipeline company, the company will use eminent domain to take it. The residents begin to organize to defeat the pipeline. Mainstream environmental groups…
Nationalize the Fossil Fuel Industry
Carla Skandier points out that public ownership of the fossil fuel industry is necessary to combat global warming.
Silvia Federici, ‘Caliban and the Witch’
Natasha Heenan's review of Silvia Federici's "Caliban & the Witch" explores the intersection between the development of capitalism and the 16th and 17th century witch trials.
Dialectical Materialism
The term Dialectical Materialism was not used by Marx himself but by subsequent Marxists to delineate the synthesis of Marx’s critiques of Hegel’s Dialectics, which he called idealist and Feuerbach’s materialism, which he called mechanical or metaphysical. For the first time the term Dialectical Materialism was used by Plekhanov in 1891.Five years after Marx’s death Engels…
Will Black Become the New Green?
Will Black Become the New Green? by Don Fitz On November 7, 2017, Elston McCowan could well become the first Green Party candidate to defeat a Democrat in Missouri. If he wins the Ward 2 race in St. Louis City he will also become the first black Green Party candidate to beat a Democrat in…
A Historical Alternative to Pink Pussy Cat Hats
Today, in the midst of the pink pussy hat women joining “The Resistance” by denouncing Trump while blaming those who didn’t vote for Hillary, I keep searching for strong women socialist feminists to follow and emulate. There are some, but they’re not very visible in the mainstream media. Kshama Sawant the Seattle City Council member…
The Assassination of Dissent, at Point-Blank Range
. The Indian government looks on as right-wing Hindu extremists take deadly aim at some of the country’s bravest dissenters If I were to describe Islam in three words, there is nothing there besides sex, crime and murder. So the question for you is not whether Rohingya will stay here or the Musulman will…