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Topic: Thinking Politically

  • Neuroscientists Make a Case against Solitary Confinement

    There are an estimated 80,000 people, mostly men, in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons. They are confined to windowless cells roughly the size of a king bed for 23 hours a day, with virtually no human contact except for brief interactions with prison guards. According to scientists speaking at the conference session, this type of…

  • Actually, We Don’t Need To Grow the Economy

    The term degrowth comes from French ecosocialist André Gorz, and until recently was mainly used by European academics. Indigenous movements in Latin America, however, have provided perhaps the best model of a degrowth movement, resisting mining and deforestation projects and building cooperative economies outside the capitalist market.

  • Richard Wolff: There Are No Blueprints for Revolution

    In this interview, Wolff discusses how the revolutions that overthrew feudalism laid the foundations for our current crisis of capitalism, why historical models of socialism put into practice failed, and what lessons we can learn from them in creating a new socialism.

  • Pelosi’s deceptive plan to ‘protect’ people from tax increases: Blocking a Medicare Payroll Tax Rise Could Rule Out Medicare-for-All and Bolstering Social Security

    Posted on November 17, 2018 by Dave Lindorff Pelosi’s deceptive plan to ‘protect’ people from tax increases: Blocking a Medicare Payroll Tax Rise Could Rule Out Medicare-for-All and Bolstering Social Security By Dave Lindorff  In the surreal alternative reality world of the US Congress, there are many bills passed each year that on the surface…

  • What White Supremacists Know

    The United States has been at war every day since its founding, often covertly and often in several parts of the world at once. As ghastly as that sentence is, it still does not capture the full picture. Indeed, prior to its founding, what would become the United States was engaged—as it would continue to…

  • Crucifying Julian Assange

              Mr. Fish / Truthdig Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has been largely cut off from communicating with the outside world for the last seven months. His Ecuadorian citizenship, granted to him as an asylum seeker, is…

  • Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression, a southern tradition, still flourishes

    Georgia’s 2018 midterms have become a battleground for voting rights and election integrity. After Secretary of State Brian Kemp was sued for suppressing minority votes ahead of the Nov. 6 election, a court ruled his office must validate the pending voter registrations of 3,000 naturalized citizens.

  • Cuba’s First Military Doctors (Part 2)

    [The first part 1 of this article addressed the need for Cuba's participation in conflicts in Zaire, the Congo and Guinea-Bissau during the 1960s to remain concealed for over three decades. It covered the background to the struggles, what Cubans found in Africa, the role of race relations in Cuba's campaigns, and the recruitment of…

  • Cuba’s First Military Doctors (Part 1)

    [Part 1 of the article addresses the need for Cuba's participation in conflicts in Zaire, the Congo and Guinea-Bissau during the 1960s to remain concealed for over three decades. It covers the background to the struggles, what Cubans found in Africa, the role of race relations in Cuba's campaigns, and the recruitment of doctors. The…

  • Tropical Trump Declares War on Amazonia

    When it comes to planetary carnage, Trump (Amerika’s president) is facing strong competition. Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro aka “Tropical Trump” will likely outdo Amerika’s destroy the EPA Trump. Bolsonaro declared war on the Amazon rainforest. Thus, he’ll likely outpace Trump’s arbitrary efforts at eco annihilation because he has a much bigger target!   The…