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Topic: Thinking Politically

  • A True Defense of Smiley and West

    Two men with track records of advocacy and activism were kicked to the curb in favor of a man with practically no history of Black advocacy. “The cult of Obama would brook no dissenters.”

  • Haiti’s Unfinished Revolution is Still in Effect

    The unfolding events in Haiti are a despairing call for social and economic justice in the absence of rule of law. The folks in the streets who kept Haiti on lockdown since February 7th are clear about their demands. As Miami Herald’s Jacqueline Charles has reported, they want the 58th president, Jovenel Moïse, to vacate his post because…

  • Venezuela: Roundup – 3- Details of Electricity War exposed, saboteurs detained, imperialist economic war widens

    Details of the Electricity War, part of a plan to incite unrest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and the ruling party, have been exposed. President Maduro has presented details of the attacks on the country’s electricity supply system. The three phases of attacks, according to President Maduro were as follows: Cybernetic attack: It was made on the…

  • We Need To Live Differently

    Governments have signed agreements with one hand and poured tens of billions of dollars per year in subsidies into fossil fuel production and consumption with the other.  The first step to dealing with climate change is to reject the illusion that governments are dealing with the problem. Society as a whole must act.

  • Living in a Kubrick Film

    Those of us familiar with the 1964 Stanley Kubrick movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb know the story. An Air Force general looses his mind and orders a nuclear strike against the U.S.S.R. in order to preserve the “purity of essence of our bodily fluids” threatened by fluoridation. The movie…

  • Why “Green Growth” Is an Illusion

    Why “Green Growth” Is an Illusion By Enno Schröder and Servaas Storm Dec 5, 2018 | Climate Change | Sustainable Growth Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.  

  • Venezuela: Interview with Gonzalo Gomez

    Gonzalo Gómez is a Venezuelan revolutionary, member of the socialist organization Marea Socialista and co-founder of the independent left-wing website He was interviewed by Eva María, and the interview was translated by Alejandro Q.  This interview was first published by International Viewpoint on February 6, 2019. Note from the interviewer and the editors of International Viewpoint: This interview was…

  • Capitalism’s Ownership of Global Warming

    Capitalism not only owns global warming, there’s a big red mitigation arrow pointed at the heart of today’s rampant capitalism, which is eerily similar to the loosie goosie version of the Roaring Twenties, but with a high tech twist.    After all, somebody’s got to pony-up for climate change/global warming mitigation. Who better than deep…

  • An open letter to the people of the U.S.A. from President Nicolás Maduro

    If I know anything, it is about the people, because just like you, I am a man of the people. I was born and raised in a poor neighborhood of Caracas. I was forged in the heat of popular and union struggles in a Venezuela submerged in exclusion and inequality. I am no tycoon; I…

  • Popular Democracy in Cuba

    The socialist governments of the Third World plus China have developed popular democracy, with structures that are alternatives to those of representative democracy.  Laws and policies are decided by deputies of the people, and not by politicians dependent on the support of corporate and wealthy interests.  Let us look at the historical development of the…