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Topic: Thinking Politically

  • Bolivia: Let’s Wake up. Please

    I haven’t been able to sleep, I don’t want to anymore, I can’t, I don’t know. I loaded my backpack and headed from Argentina for Bolivia but I never arrived there. I still can hear them, it still kills me. “Please, help us! Please, do not leave us alone! Please, promise us that we are…

  • A Political Response to the Planetary Emergency

    The dynamics of capitalism as a system and the limits of single-issue reforms   If capitalism is the principal source of the planetary emergency, which we argue here is the case, then our political response must be one that diminishes and ultimately ends capitalism as the dominant form of social relationship for making our way…

  • India’s Supreme Court Ruling Is Another Victory for Hindu Nationalism

    What makes matters worse and confirms the extent to which Hindutva has penetrated Indian society is the response of both the mainstream opposition parties and of the overwhelming bulk of the nongovernment-owned media and its liberal intelligentsia. The Congress and all the regional parties not aligned to the BJP have either refused to criticize the…

  • Climate Change is a War Crime

    Climate Change is a War Crime

          International jurisprudence recognizes the supreme crime as the making of aggressive war. This principle formed the basis of and justification for the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals (held variously from 1945 to 1949). Aggressive war is the supreme crime because all other possible crimes can occur in parallel, in association with,…

  • How Hindu Nationalism Came to Rule

    India has already seen barbarism for forty years too many. It’s time we put socialism back on the agenda.

  • India: Intimations of an Ending

    I am speaking here of the the RSS, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, founded in 1925—the mothership of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Its founding fathers were greatly influenced by German and Italian fascism. They likened the Muslims of India to the “Jews of Germany,” and believed that Muslims have no place in Hindu India.

  • The Military Coup that Overthrew Our Government Was Revenge Against Indigenous Bolivians

    The question we must answer is why the traditional middle class incubated so much hatred and resentment toward the people — leading them to embrace a racialized fascism, targeting the indio as an enemy. How did it infect the police and armed forces with its class frustrations, creating a social basis for fascistization, a basis for state…

  • A letter to intellectuals who deride revolutions in the name of purity

    Revolutions do not happen suddenly, nor do they immediately transform a society. A revolution is a process, which moves at different speeds whose tempo can change rapidly if the motor of history is accelerated by intensified class conflict. But, most of the time, the building of the revolutionary momentum is glacial, and the attempt to…

  • Protestors Massacred in Post-Coup Bolivia

    Eight are dead and hundreds injured in a week of bloodshed after Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales was forced to resign from power last Sunday.

  • Cuba demands the immediate release of four Cuban health workers detained in Bolivia

    Cuba demands an end to the instigation of violence against Cuban health care collaborators in Bolivia. During the last few hours, several acting authorities in the Plurinational State of Bolivia have presented the idea that Cuban collaborators are encouraging protests taking place in Bolivia, along with a similar campaign on social media, through accounts of…