Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Less of What We Don’t Need

  • Empowering The Powerless: Here’s How To End Energy Poverty

    “Power to the people,” the activists chanted in the 1960s. The revolutionaries of yesteryear never dreamed of the scientific and technological innovations that could light up distant shelters and communities in the darkest corners of Earth. We are on the cusp of an energy revolution that has the potential to improve the quality of life…

  • The Strategy of Maximal Extraction

    How Donald Trump Plans to Enlist Fossil Fuels in the Struggle for Global Dominance The new U.S. energy policy of the Trump era is, in some ways, the oldest energy policy on Earth. Every great power has sought to mobilize the energy resources at its command, whether those be slaves, wind-power, coal, or oil, to…

  • Agriculture and Autonomy in the Middle East

    In the predominantly Kurdish regions of Syria and Turkey, known respectively as Rojava and North Kurdistan, a groundbreaking experiment in communal living, social justice, and ecological vitality is taking place. Devastated by civil war, the Middle East is often seen as a place where little more than a cessation of hostilities can be hoped for.…

  • The Madness Of Unchecked Growth: A Conspiratorial World View

    The White European conspiratorial model of constant, unbridled growth and expansion, vigorously exported and aggressively promoted throughout the New World, is a form of sheer madness: mentally, culturally and spiritually. It knows no allegiance to any one country, people or way of life other than to growth and expansion for their own sake and the…

  • Technology and Its Discontents

    Tucked within the pages of the January issue of the Agriview, a monthly farm publication published by the State of Vermont, was a short survey from the Department of Public Service (DPS). Described as an aid to the Department in drafting their “Ten Year Telecom Plan”, the survey contains eight questions, the first seven of…

  • Decolonisation and Degrowth

    Why do degrowth scholars use the word “decolonise” to discuss the process of changing the growth imaginary? Isn’t decolonisation about undoing the historical colonisation of land, languages and minds? How do these two uses of the word relate? This blog post is the result from a discussion held between some participants at a Degrowth Summer…

  • Paint Companies Brazen Scheme to Get Californians to Pay for their Crimes

    Three California courts have ruled three giant paint companies knowingly promoted a toxic product that has poisoned thousands of children and ordered them to clean it up. The paint companies have a cynical scheme to get Californians to pay the bill. On February 14, the Supreme Court of California declined to review a multimillion-dollar state…

  • Yes we can – feed 9 billion with organic agriculture

    It is possible to feed more than 9 billion people with organic production methods with a small increase in the required crop acreage and with decreased greenhouse gas emission. But this assumes considerable reduction in food wastage and in the quantities of feed grown to animals.   Picture: Ann-Helen Meyer von Bremen That is the…

  • Dutch fight to shut down EU’s largest gas field after earthquake

    A march against Shell and Exxon’s gas drilling drew thousands in the northern Dutch city of Groningen on Jan. 19, after a heavy earthquake rocked the region earlier this month. Ten thousand people — a record number for Groningen — marched through the city with torches and chanted slogans scolding the government, as well as…

  • Do Children Have to Wear Hazmat Suits to Use Playing Fields?

      Kim Konte certainly thought so. Kim was one of the organizers of Non Toxic Irvine which convinced the City of Irvine to adopt an organic-first policy in landscaping ( “Baseball is my children’s life,” Komte said, “and we want to make sure every baseball player is able to slam into the dirt and roll around in…