Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Less of What We Don’t Need

  • How Much Energy Do We Need?

    Researchers have calculated minimum levels of energy use needed to live a decent life, but what about maximum levels? Includes many charts comparing current energy use across countries, as well as various sufficiency scenarios that have been developed.

  • How to Run the Economy on the Weather

    How adjusting energy demand to supply would make switching to renewable energy much more realistic than it is today. From a website that's deliberately low-tech to show how to minimize energy use.

  • Why growth can’t be green

    Warnings about ecological breakdown have become ubiquitous. Over the past few years, major newspapers, including the Guardian and the New York Times, have carried alarming stories on soil depletion, deforestation, and the collapse of fish stocks and insect populations. These crises are being driven by global economic growth, and its accompanying consumption, which is destroying the Earth’s biosphere…

  • Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it

    We’ve gotten so accustomed to growth that governments, corporations and banks now depend on it. It’s no exaggeration to say that we’re collectively addicted to growth.  The end of growth will come one day, perhaps very soon, whether we’re ready or not. If we plan for and manage it, we could well wind up with…

  • The Ketamine Chorus: NYT Trumpets New Anti-Suicide Drug

    The drumbeat for ketamine as a way to halt the rising suicide rate is upon us, as the New York Times has now joined the chorus. This is encouraging news unless of course you recall a couple of things: how recent enthusiasm from the medical-industrial complex for increased opioid use for pain resulted in the…

  • This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That.

    This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That.

    The Green New Deal now taking shape in Washington will aim to address climate change through economic policies. While many of the potential policies being discussed, including a more steeply progressive income tax, would in themselves be positive developments, none of them would reduce greenhouse emissions as deeply as is required. To understand why, we…

  • Agriculture as Wrong Turn

    The “Agricultural Revolution” is lauded as one of the greatest achievements in the history of the human race, proof positive of “Progress” and of our own exalted status “a little lower than angels.” Doubtless, it is among the most momentous changes that our species has experienced, on par with the utilization of fire, the development…

  • The problem with the Human Development Index in an era of ecological breakdown

    If you haven’t come across the Global Footprint Network yet, check them out.   Based in Oakland, CA, they produce fantastic data on the Ecological Footprint (EF) of nations around the world.  EF is measured in units known as “global hectares” – an omnibus measure that includes resource use, waste and emissions. The researchers at the…

  • End Times, Dead Ahead

      “It is time we consider the implications of it being too late to avert a global environmental catastrophe in the lifetimes of people alive today.” (Jem Bendell)   In other words, the world is coming to an end.    Of course it is… but when?    Professor Jem Bendell’s brilliant seminal work, “Deep Adaptation: A…

  • U.S. copper projects gain steam thanks to electric vehicle trend

    YERINGTON, Nev. (Reuters) – Once seen as a laggard in the global mining industry, U.S. copper deposits have quietly drawn more than $1.1 billion in investments from small and large miners alike as Tesla and other electric carmakers scramble for more of the red metal. Four U.S. copper projects are set to open by next…