Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Less of What We Don’t Need

  • The Danger of Inspiration: A Review of On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal

    A decent human future—perhaps any human future at all—depends on our ability to come to terms with these limits. The most prominent in the United States is the Green New Deal’s call for legislation that recognizes the severity of the ecological crises while advocating economic equality and social justice. The problem is that the Green…

  • Natural Gas Rush Drives a Global Rise in Fossil Fuel Emissions

    A surge in natural gas has helped drive down coal burning across the United States and Europe, but it isn't displacing other fossil fuels on a global scale. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are also failing to cut emissions fast enough, the report says, as much of their growth has provided new…

  • A Plan for The Plan to Beat Climate Change

    A Plan for The Plan to Beat Climate Change

    There is no shortage of plans for how to beat climate breakdown before it breaks down civilization. There is no shortage of action in the form of demonstrations. There is a shortage of action around a single realistic plan. Most demonstrators are demanding that governments take action – governments that are bought and sold by…

  • Six problems for Green Deals

    If nothing else, the last few months have heightened awareness of the desperately parlous predicament that now faces humanity, with an accelerating climate and ecological crisis. So attempts to design assertive policy proposals are very welcome. The Green New Deal is the one that currently is getting the most attention and perhaps traction. So I…

  • Rivers of Dust: The Future of Water and the Middle East

    Rivers of Dust: The Future of Water and the Middle East

    Palestinian water tanks vandalized by Israeli settlers in Hebron. (Photo: ISM Palestine / Flickr)   It is written that “Enannatum, ruler of Lagash,” slew “60 soldiers” from Umma. The battle between the two ancient city states took place 4,500 years ago near where the great Tigris and Euphrates rivers come together in what is today…

  • The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun

    Scientists disagree on the timeline of collapse and whether it's imminent. But can we afford to be wrong? And what comes after?

  • Fixing the Green New Deals

    The audacity of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal for a Green New Deal (GND) provoked action, enthusiasm, excitement and opposition. It followed earlier GNDs and pulled forward later ones from Sanders, Warren and others. Runaway global warming moved onto the list of national priorities. Thanks to many GNDs, Greta Thunberg, thousands of organizers and millions of marchers,…

  • Neoliberalism, Climate Movements, and the PR Paradigm, What’s Next?

    En permettant l'homme, la nature a commis beaucoup plus qu'une erreur de calcul: un attentat contre elle-même. By enabling humankind, nature has made more than an error in calculation: it is an attempt on her own life. Emil Cioran, De l'inconvient d'être né. That the climate is changing and that the planet is on average…

  • The Coup in Bolivia Has Everything to Do With the Screen You’re Using to Read This

    When you look at your computer screen, or the screen on your smartphone or the screen of your television set, it is a liquid crystal display (LCD). An important component of the LCD screen is indium, a rare metallic element that is processed out of zinc concentrate. The two largest sources of indium can be…

  • Coups-for-Green-Energy added to Wars-For-Oil

    Coups-for-Green-Energy added to Wars-For-Oil

    Salar de Uyuni salt plain in Bolivia. (photo by Lion Hirth, public domain) The US-supported right-wing coup against Bolivian President Evo Morales on November 10th was a serious strike against that nation’s autonomy and its people (especially its indigenous, of whom Morales was one). Such meddling has defined US foreign policy in Latin America for…