Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Less of What We Don’t Need

  • The Anti-War Voter’s Conundrum

    I got called by a military recruiter when I was a senior in high school. This was ’86 or ’87, and I wasn’t surprised; other guys I knew had been contacted too, but even so, I hadn’t put any thought into how to respond ahead of time. Nonetheless, when the moment came I was unequivocal.…

  • Risk of Nuclear War Rises as U.S. Deploys a New Nuclear Weapon for the First Time Since the Cold War

    The Federation of American Scientists revealed in late January that the U.S. Navy had deployed for the first time a submarine armed with a low-yield Trident nuclear warhead. The USS Tennessee deployed from Kings Bay Submarine Base in Georgia in late 2019. The W76-2 warhead, which is facing criticism at home and abroad, is estimated to have…

  • Boycott Consumerism

    [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"171","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"340","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"480"}}]]     It seems like everybody is waiting for government to take the lead in stopping climate breakdown. Government has the power to act on that scale. Government is being slow to act, possibly because it’s in the pockets of oil and gas interests. Politicians love development, which means money, jobs, votes — and…

  • An Open Letter to Climate Activists in the Northwoods…and Beyond

    … averting climate change is not going stop the global collapse of the planet as we know it.  Don’t get me wrong.  Climate change is a global emergency and will cause tremendous damage, and, in fact, already has for many. But the thing is, massive, global-scale destruction has been going on for a long time…

  • Mist Showers: Sustainable Decadence?

      The daily shower would be hard to sustain in a world without fossil fuels.  The mist shower, a satisfying but forgotten technology which uses very little water and energy, could be a solution. The shower doesn’t get much attention in the context of climate change. However, like airplanes, cars, and heating systems, it has…

  • The Green New Deal and ‘Accursed Wealth!’

    An exploitative capitalism is baked into the Green New Deal (Resolution 109 of the 116th Congress). While the Resolution promotes “a new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era”, and resolves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through “economic transformation”, it remains premised…

  • Silicon Valley Karma: Faith in Electricity

    DIGITAL WIZARDS MISS THE BOAT-From the VC “masters of the universe” on Sand Hill Road and Y Combinator to the social media FAANG monopolists to the adolescent male libertarian bros with their internet startups — all share the fundamentalist faith in electricity.    Rarely did they question how their burgeoning digital economy disruptions were based largely…

  • Talking Like a Mining Company: The Escobal Mine in Guatemala

    The Escobal Mine, located in eastern Guatemala, is the second-largest silver mine in the world and the source of one of the most protracted environmental conflicts in Guatemala. Mining activities have been suspended by direct action from the community resistance movement, and by order of the Constitutional Tribunal since mid-2017.

  • Green Party of St. Louis Endorses Howie Hawkins for President

    n August 10-11, 2019 Green Party members in St. Louis joined others from across the state to hear from the leading contenders for the party’s nomination for President: Dennis Lambert, Dario Hunter, David Rolde, and Howie Hawkins. All had a very clear understanding that it would be futile to support a Democrat, because, even though…

  • The Quake Threat to Dams Posed by Fracking Was Long Warned

    Gillis says that he first noticed new earthquakes being added to the national earthquake database as major fraccing operations began in 2010. “In my view, which I have already shared, the province should simply add buffer zones around any very Extreme and Very High Consequence Dams where hydraulic fracturing cannot be undertaken without a prior…