Topic: Biodiversity / Biodevastation
Why are the crucial questions about Hurricane Harvey not being asked?
Hurricane Harvey is a manmade climate-related disaster. To ignore this ensures our greatest challenge goes unanswered and helps push the world towards catastrophe
Biological Annihilation On Earth Accelerating
Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in vast numbers but also destroy the ecological systems that make life on Earth possible. By doing this we are now accelerating the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history and virtually…
In California, families fear pesticide poisoning after EPA reverses ban
A white cloud of pesticides had drifted into Fidelia Morales’s back yard, coating her children’s swing set. The 40-year-old mother of five gestured toward the citrus groves that surround her house in California’s Central Valley as she recounted when an air blast sprayer sent chemicals floating onto her property last year – landing on her…
Kenya’s Energy Quandary
Geothermal development in the Kenyan Rift Valley shows that even renewable energy can be unsustainable in fragile environments.
The Biotech Industry Is Taking Over the Regulation of GMOs from the Inside
The corporate takeover of the International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR) and its biennial ISGBMO conference is a case study in the methods and the goals of the biotech industry. It exemplifies industry efforts to capture international GMO regulation and showcases the specific regulatory objectives of the biotech industry.
Beyond Democrat Dead-ends: What Real Climate Action Looks Like
The global warming situation is absolutely crazy. Millions of people are already experiencing drought, famine, floods, wildfires, superstorms and other climate disasters. As a species, we are teetering on the edge of full-blown catastrophe, with extinction a distinct possibility. Yet, we can’t seem to put in place obvious solutions that are sitting right there in front of…
Big Pharma’s pollution is creating deadly superbugs while the world looks the other way
Industrial pollution from Indian pharmaceutical companies making medicines for nearly all the world’s major drug companies is fuelling the creation of deadly superbugs, suggests new research. Global health authorities have no regulations in place to stop this happening. A major study published today in the prestigious scientific journal Infection found “excessively high” levels of antibiotic…
Diet for a Warming Planet
I read two different studies this week that are connected but were not related in the media. The first is record warmth across the country. Denver recorded 80 degrees in mid-November. And 29 states had the warmest December ever recorded. Instead of a white Christmas, it was 70 degrees on Christmas Eve in Vermont! Such freakish weather might be written off…
How Burger King’s Palm Oil Addiction Is Devastating Local Communities—and Planet Earth
There’s nothing new about fast food corporations unleashing environmental chaos to maximize their profits. But the recent explosion of palm oil usage is a new threat. Burger King is at the front of the pack of corporations abusing human rights and the environment to satisfy its ever-growing appetite for the oil. Burger King has always…