Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Topic: Biodiversity / Biodevastation

  • Wolves Are Losing Ground to Industrial Logging in Southeast Alaska

    Although hunting and trapping have the potential to eradicate wolves in the short-term, habitat loss from logging poses an even greater long-term challenge for wolf survival.

  • California’s Love Affair With Big Oil: from Marine ‘Protection’ to Cap-and-Trade

    My long series of articles investigating the power of Big Oil in California, including my coverage of the passage last year of Jerry Brown’s legislation extending California’s cap-and-trade program past 2020, began at the Annual Legislative Fisheries Forum at the State Capitol in March of 2009. As I listened to testimony from the public about…

  • When Nature Says “Enough!”: the River that Appeared Overnight in Argentina

    The sudden appearance of a network of new rivers in Argentina’s central province of San Luis has puzzled scientists, worried environmentalists and disheartened farmers. It has also raised urgent questions over the environmental cost of Argentina’s dependence on soya beans, its main export crop. “The roar was terrifying,” said Risatti, remembering that morning three years…

  • Upper Green River Allotment Betrayal

    Recently I attended a meeting with the Bridger Teton National Forest (BTNF) officials to discuss future grazing plans for the Upper Green River grazing allotment. The allotment, one of the most outstanding wildlife areas in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, contains the headwaters of the Green River and lies north of Pinedale Wyoming between the Wind…

  • Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can?

    The regulatory system for GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in India is in tatters. So said the Coalition for a GMFree India (CGMFI) in 2017 after media reports about the illegal cultivation of GM soybean in the country. In India, five high-level reports have already advised against the adoption of GM crops:

  • Deep Impact

    While marine researchers are excited about the promise the mapping project holds for science, many fear that a map of our sea floor will enable extractive industries to profit from deep sea resources, endangering marine habitats and coastal communities in the process.

  • The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet April 4, 2018   Bayer and Monsanto have a long history of collusion to poison the ecosystem for profit. The Trump administration should veto their merger not just to protect competitors but to ensure human and planetary survival.   Two new studies from Europe have found that the number of farm birds in France…

  • Mountain Biking and Wilderness

    Across the country, the growing popularity of mountain biking is increasingly a threat to our wildlands, even in designated wilderness. Some mountain biking advocates promote the idea that their sport is compatible with the goals, and even the legal obligations of federal land management agencies that manage wilderness. Yet my feeling is that mountain bikers…

  • Globalization’s Deadly Footprint

    That pollution is bad for our health will come as a surprise to no one. That pollution kills at least 9 million people every year might. This is 16 percent of all deaths worldwide – 3 times more than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, and 15 times more than all wars and other forms of…

  • Fighting the mega-mine

    Activists from Australia and beyond are joining forces to prevent what is set to be one of the world’s biggest ecological catastrophes. The massive Carmichael coal mega-mine will devastate the Great Barrier Reef, contribute massively to global climate change, and further marginalise Australia’s First Nations people.