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Topic: Biodiversity / Biodevastation

  • How trees could save the climate

    "We all knew that restoring forests could play a part in tackling climate change, but we didn't really know how big the impact would be. Our study shows clearly that forest restoration is the best climate change solution available today. But we must act quickly, as new forests will take decades to mature and achieve…

  • Permafrost Collapses 70 Years Early

    Fasten your seat belt!  Global warming is on a rampage.  As a consequence, many ecosystems may be on the verge of total collapse. In fact, recent activity in the hinterlands surely looks that way. Over time, the backlash for civilized society, where people live in comfort, could be severe, meaning extreme discomfort. But still, nobody…

  • The Hydroponic Threat to Organic Food

    Over the last seven years large scale industrial food producers have insinuated themselves into US organic certification. The recent inclusion of hydroponics in organic standards is not an example of innovation and improvement. It is an example of conquest and colonization. It is simply a hostile takeover of organic production in contravention of the law and…

  • Human wellbeing threatened by ‘unprecedented’ rate of biodiversity loss

    Nature loss is accelerating worldwide at an unprecedented rate, with grave impacts for human wellbeing, according to a major report approved by more than 130 of the world’s governments. The report, launched in Paris, France on Monday, says fundamental changes are needed to everything from farming and fishing to private investment and governance to ensure the…

  • Metal and Rubber with Your Chicken? No Problem Says Tyson

    Rubber and metal are some of the recent surprise “ingredients” found in Tyson chicken. In January, 36,420 pounds of Tyson chicken nuggets were recalled due to rubber contamination. In March, a recall for possible metal contamination of ready-to-eat Tyson chicken strip products began which continues–now encompassing 12 million pounds. Tyson Foods is the world’s second…

  • How indigenous genocide contributed to climate change

    Those who deny climate change caused by mankind tend to cite the so-called “Little Ice Age” as one of their arguments to defend the hypothesis of the natural origin of climate changes. The Little Ice Age, as it is known, to distinguish it from the great ice ages, covers a period from 1350 to 1850…

  • The GE American Chestnut – Restoration of a Beloved Species or Trojan Horse for Tree Biotechnology?

    The GE American chestnut is meant to launch us down the slippery slope of tree biotechnology. In the wings, and waiting to follow in that newly forged path are a host of other GE forest tree species, engineered for commercial industrial purposes. Natural forests meanwhile are rapidly declining, even as climate science dictates that protecting…

  • One million species face extinction, world is on notice, says major UN report

    Nearly one million species risk becoming extinct within decades while current efforts to conserve the earth’s resources will likely fail if radical action is not taken, says a major UN report on the impact of humans on nature. Speaking in Paris at the launch of the 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services…

  • Ozone-Depleting CFCs Return

    In August of 1987 the world came together after a panic attack over ongoing depletion of atmospheric ozone: The Ozone Hole.  Subsequently, global agreements to stop ozone depletion became the first ever “universally ratified treaties in UN history.” The world banned chlorofluorocarbons CFCs. Thereafter, an era of good feeling about ozone restoration swept the world…

  • We’ve Created a Civilization Hell Bent on Destroying Itself

    [Editors Note: While GST finds much to agree with in this article, we disagree with the author's assertion that "curbing growth within environmental limits is central to the idea of a Green New Deal." On the contrary, the Green New Deals of the US Congress and the Green Party would increase growth.] It may seem nonsense…