Tag: climate change
The Growing Crisis of the Colorado River: A Sign to Us All
THE GROWING CRISIS OF THE COLORADO RIVER: A SIGN TO US ALL –Kim Scipes, Ph.D. There is a growing crisis out in the southwestern part of our country that has a message for us all. Politicians and the mainstream media from all over the country are ignoring it or generally treating it as a…
Creating protective conditions for solar facilities— in the event that a developer proposes one near you
In the event that a developer wants to install a utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) facility near you, consider yourself blessed with opportunities. You can shake up your assumptions about “clean, green” energy. You can learn how to present the technology’s not-so-sunny sides so that neighbors and legislators who believe that solar PVs cannot possibly have…
Fresh questions about solar power
A field of destroyed solar panels after a storm in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2017. Photo by Jocelyn Augustino, FEMA Say that a restaurant offers “healthy, natural” chicken soup. How do you know what it means by “healthy” or “natural?” Farmers can cage chickens, feed them genetically-modified soy, wash butchered birds in antibiotics—and still…
The Only Commonality is Uncommonality: Progressive Protest from Below since the Mid-1980s
Noting the extensive number of progrssive protests, mobilizations, and social disruptions from below since the mid-1980s, not just in the US but around the world, this article suggests that what is going on is the expansion of the global economic and social justice movement, a bottom-up form of globalization. It suggests that this is, ultimately,…
On the IPCC’s latest climate report: What does it tell us?
On the IPCC’s latest climate report: What does it tell us? – Brian Tokar The UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released its latest comprehensive report on the state of the earth’s climate. The much-anticipated report dominated the headlines for a few days in early August, then quickly disappeared amidst…
An Open Letter to Climate Activists in the Northwoods…and Beyond
… averting climate change is not going stop the global collapse of the planet as we know it. Don’t get me wrong. Climate change is a global emergency and will cause tremendous damage, and, in fact, already has for many. But the thing is, massive, global-scale destruction has been going on for a long time…
Drawing Upon Humanity’s Revolutionary Heritage
The core cultural values of a revolutionary Science, imagination, education and democracy are core values for any revolutionary movement which aims for an ecologically sustainable civilization. Our reference to science, of course, is to scientific inquiry and its results, not to the institutions of science as limited by capitalist rule. Likewise, our reference to education is to the…
Six problems for Green Deals
If nothing else, the last few months have heightened awareness of the desperately parlous predicament that now faces humanity, with an accelerating climate and ecological crisis. So attempts to design assertive policy proposals are very welcome. The Green New Deal is the one that currently is getting the most attention and perhaps traction. So I…