Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Tag: Air pollution

  • Green Politics in California: An Interview with Gayle McLaughlin

    Green Politics in California: An Interview with Gayle McLaughlin

    Former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin has one of the best municipal election success rates of any left-wing “elected” in California—as in five city council campaign wins in in the past 20 years. A founder of the Richmond Progressive Alliance, she is stepping down undefeated locally in January, 2025. In this interview, she offers practical advice…

  • Globalization’s Deadly Footprint

    That pollution is bad for our health will come as a surprise to no one. That pollution kills at least 9 million people every year might. This is 16 percent of all deaths worldwide – 3 times more than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, and 15 times more than all wars and other forms of…