Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.


Welcome to Green Social Thought’s collection of economics articles. Take a deep dive into green economics perspectives. As advocates for environmental responsibility and social justice, we bring you insights into a transformative economic approach that challenges the status quo, particularly degrowth and union and worker rights.

In a world grappling with the consequences of excessive consumption and environmental degradation, degrowth stands as a bold alternative. Our articles explore the the green vision of reshaping our economic landscape, with a particular focus on scaling down unnecessary and detrimental aspects, such as military expenditures and empowering workers through unionization.

Explore the economic implications of embracing degrowth policies, from redefining prosperity to creating resilient and inclusive communities. Exploration of economic alternatives that prioritize people and the planet.

Labor Activists Launch New Organization to Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy

Kim Scipes

Announces a new initiative, LEPAIO (Labor Education Project on AFL-CIO International Operations), to challenge the AFL-CIO’s foreign policy.

The true scale of the global North’s economic appropriation of the South

Sarah Sleiman

A newly published report has found that the “advanced economies” of the global North rely much more intensively on appropriation of resources and labour from the global South than previous studies have suggested. The authors of the study bring forward the hidden costs of traded goods from the South by evaluating the scale of exploited raw materials, land use, energy use and labour requirements in the process of production and by also evaluating the inequalities in international economic governance. The study found that in 2015 alone, the North net appropriated from the South 12 billion tons of raw material, 822 […]

Review of “No Bosses” by Michael Albert

Brian Tokar

Review of No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World, by Michael Albert (Zero Books, 2021) For more than forty years, Michael Albert has been a tireless advocate for the left to develop a clearer and more fully articulated vision of the world we wish to create. As a founder (with his recently departed partner Lydia Sargent) of South End Press, Z Magazine, and ultimately a network of projects under the umbrella of Z Media, Albert has made the need for a more coherent long-range vision on the left a persistent recurring theme in his substantial body of work. […]

The Great Recoil of Neoliberal Globalization

Paulo Gerbaudo

The current political era is best understood as a “great recoil” of economic globalization. It is a moment when the coordinates of historical development seem to be inverting, upsetting many of the assumptions that dominated politics and economics over the last decades. This moment corresponds to the “second movement” socialist economic historian Karl Polanyi described in his book The Great Transformation, when phases of capitalist expansion recede and are met by “societal responses.” According to Polanyi, in phases of profound crisis like that opened by the 1929 Wall Street Crash, society tends to act defensively, erecting forms of social protection […]