Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Nuclear Fusion: Don’t believe the hype!

    In a dramatic scientific and engineering breakthrough, researchers at the Bay Area’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory recently achieved the long-sought goal of generating a nuclear fusion reaction that produced more energy than was directly injected into a tiny reactor vessel. By the very next day, pundits well across the political spectrum were touting that breakthrough…

  • Two Barrels Aim at African People’s Socialist Party

      With new FBI and Department of “Justice” (DOJ) attacks expected in early January, a defense, mobilization and information session attracted hundreds of allies of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP). On Friday, December 23 they zoomed into the “Emergency Mass Meeting: Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa!” The APSP told its supporters that it…

  • Multiple Breadbasket Failures as Radicals Stop Private Jets

    Global warming is taking a big bite out of the planet. Unprecedented severe droughts dry up major commercial waterways and extreme conditions have either diminished or partially decimated many crops in the US, Europe, China, Australia, the Indian subcontinent and throughout regions of Africa.  This article explores the impact of “multiple breadbasket failures” as defined…

  • Lessons from Hanford: “The Most Toxic Place in America”

    Lessons from Hanford: “The Most Toxic Place in America”

    That the world hasn’t been the same since the ignition of the Atomic Age in the 1940s is certainly an understatement, yet the public’s awareness of how the nuclear industry operates has always been dismally low. Secrecy has played a part—especially in relation to bomb-making activities—but so too has the establishment news media, which focuses…

  • The United States and White Supremacy at War with China

    In 1904, Jack London, the most celebrated American writer of the time, was sent as a reporter to cover the war between Russia and Japan. According to Daniel A. Métraux, editor of a collection of London’s writings on Asia (1): “London’s tenure as a journalist in Korea and Manchuria was a revelation to his worldview.…

  • A contemporary lens for addressing the existential crises we now face

    A contemporary lens for addressing the existential crises we now face

    We gain our understanding of the world through the lens of theory. For revolutionaries, the basic laws of behavior of a capitalist system were already understood and advanced over one hundred and fifty years ago by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels and their comrades in struggle. Thankfully, their work is constantly being updated and applied…

  • COP27 Egypt – Oh, Well!

    COP27 Egypt – Oh, Well!

    Dateline: November 7–18, 2022, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Dignitaries from every country will be meeting to discuss climate change at Conference of the Parties (COP) 27 on climate change. Based upon early confirmations, 90 heads of state will attend, lending an aura of importance.  “Climate change is the crisis of our lifetime. If we are not…

  • Creating protective conditions for solar facilities— in the event that a developer proposes one near you

    Creating protective conditions for solar facilities— in the event that a developer proposes one near you

    In the event that a developer wants to install a utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) facility near you, consider yourself blessed with opportunities. You can shake up your assumptions about “clean, green” energy. You can learn how to present the technology’s not-so-sunny sides so that neighbors and legislators who believe that solar PVs cannot possibly have…

  • US Abortion Rights: Who Would Kill the Gander that Goosed a Golden Egg?

    US Abortion Rights: Who Would Kill the Gander that Goosed a Golden Egg?

    The suffering of US women under the iron heel of abortion is intensifying, especially for women of color. This makes it imperative to closely examine possible paths forward. As a teenager during the 1960s I witnessed two political paths that remain imprinted on my mind.   LBJ and 14 (b)   Even before classes began…

  • Will China Deplete the Oceans?

    Will China Deplete the Oceans?

    According to the Marine Stewardship Council, depletion of fish stocks is the most urgent threat to the world’s oceans.  Ninety-three percent (93%) of the world’s major marine fish stocks are classified as fully exploited, overexploited, or significantly depleted. “Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated  (IUU) fishing is a pervasive, far-reaching security threat.” (Source: Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated…