Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Ozone Troubles, Once Again

    Ozone Troubles, Once Again

    NASA: “Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface.”  It was 36 years ago in panic mode when the world came together like never before unanimously agreeing to ratify The Montreal Protocol, banning CFCs. This was done to protect ozone (O3), which is a widely-dispersed layer of molecules at 10-30 miles…

  • Making Sense of the Latest IPCC Report (2023)

    Making Sense of the Latest IPCC Report (2023) –Kim Scipes   The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), a UN agency with climatologists from over 70 counties included) has just come out with a new report about climate change.  (Available at  The news is not good. Basically, their arguments have gotten more refined, more…

  • Amazon Rainforest Destabilizes the World

    Amazon Rainforest Destabilizes the World

    A new 40-year study discovered the eye-opening fact that what happens in the Amazon Rainforest impacts the entire Earth system. This puts an exclamation point on the fact that the Amazon Rainforest, the planet’s most crucial source of life support, is in deep trouble mainly because of massive deforestation. The Amazon River Basin is the…

  • Solar Mitigation Battleground

    Solar Mitigation Battleground

    A battle over how to protect the planet from overheating is heating up.  Academics are coming out of the woodwork, forming coalitions, issuing declarations. A subdued debate over the merits versus demerits of solar geoengineering (SRM) has been ongoing for years. Now battle lines are forming. The SRM controversy is coming to a head, in…

  • Climate Code Red Analysis and Sea Level Warnings

    Climate Code Red Analysis and Sea Level Warnings

    Climate Code Red, a very thorough and well-respected source on climate change/global warming, recently issued a three-part study on where things stand with the climate system via looking through the rearview mirror at 2022 and reflecting that charred image into the future: Faster, Higher, Hotter: What We Learned About the Climate System in 2022 by…

  • Meeting the urgent need for revolutionary political renewal

    Meeting the urgent need for revolutionary political renewal

    In the aftermath of World War II, the ruling capitalist class within the core capitalist countries countered the universal aspiration of the people for a world without war by launching the Cold War. They also responded to the economic goals of organized labor within the core capitalist countries by conceding to workers a limited right…



    I first met Demetrius C. and his family when he was two-years old—incidentally the very year the City of St. Louis slated the entire Northside for “depletion,” triaging it to rot. For details, see: Walter Johnson, The Broken Heart of America, p. 379 – 381. (1)  The youngest of fourteen, Demetrius came of age in…

  • For a future, we must end the systemic causes of destruction and waste

      A common cause has a common solution Given the present existential crises which now include both the threat of a quick end to human existence through nuclear war, and the threat from the deepening ecological crisis, our response to both needs to begin with recognition that no problem which has systemic causes is ever…

  • The Invisible Global Heat Danger Zone

    NASA claims that 2022 was one of the hottest years ever recorded with record-breaking heat waves around the world, as major commercial waterways, like the Danube, Po, Rhine, Yangtze, and Mississippi rivers temporarily dried up leaving humongous river barges choking in mud. But that was merely global-warming-lite.  The real global warming threat is invisible. It’s…

  • Death Penalty for a $50 Crack Deal

    Death Penalty for a $50 Crack Deal

    On January 18, 2014, my husband Robert Rowry died isolated from his family, shackled and chained to a community hospital bed as “property” of the state of Missouri—nine days after denial of medical parole, and roughly eight weeks shy of his scheduled parole date.     Robert’s experience shows the ubiquitous presence of conditions that…