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Category: Uncategorized

  • The United States in the World: Making Sense of the Past Forty Years (1981-2023)-Part 2

    The United States in the World:  Making Sense of the Past Forty Years (1981-2023)-Part 2 — Kim Scipes   NOTE TO READER:  This is the second part of a five-part article.  It follows the section on “Imperialism,” and is part of explaining essential concepts of this study plus elaborating on how they interact: GLOBALIZATION[1]  …

  • The United States in the World: Making Sense of the Past Forty Years (1981-2023)-Part 1

    The United States in the World:  Making Sense of the Past Forty Years (1981-2023)-Part 1 –Kim Scipes   NOTE TO READER:  This is a lengthy article, co-published with Z Network, that is broken up into five parts so as not to make it too overwhelming; the sections differ in length; it will be published on…

  • Japan’s Insane Immoral Illegal Radioactive Dumping

    Japan’s Insane Immoral Illegal Radioactive Dumping

    Japan cannot possibly outlive the atrocity of dumping radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. In fact, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is an example of how nuclear meltdowns negatively impact the entire world, as its toxic wastewater travels across the world in ocean currents. The dumping of stored toxic wastewater from the meltdown in 2011…

  • The Nuclear Energy Trap

    The Nuclear Energy Trap

    Nuclear reactors are directly in the line of fire of global warming.  In fact, nuclear reactors cannot survive global warming. But that’s only the start of serious issues with the world’s newly found love affair with nuclear energy. This article examines the likelihood of nuclear energy as a fixit for global warming, or is it…

  • The Greenland Threat Escalates

    The Greenland Threat Escalates

    Will the world’s major coastal cities, such as NYC, survive escalating global heat conditions in Greenland? And what if both Greenland and Antarctica follow the recent very disturbing pattern of the world’s oceans? For the first time that scientists can recall, sea surface temperatures that always recede from annual peaks are failing to do so,…

  • The Ocean Red Zone

    The Ocean Red Zone

    Oceans of the world are in a dangerous red zone that exceeds safe limits for marine and terrestrial life because of excessive heat. Several statements by climate scientists show heightened concerns about how this plays out, as 2023 could be a major inflection point with global warming suddenly turning much worse. For example, the recent…

  • Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster

    Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster

    The evidence is starting to build that all bets are off on predictions that humanity has a decade, or more, of clear sailing before global warming turns vicious enough to run roughshod over climate change deniers and the mean-spirited anti-climate-change Republican Party. Voters better smarten up by 2024 or suffer the consequences. At least the…

  • Global Warming and Water Privatization

        Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou recently declared a state of emergency in the capital, Montevideo, due to water shortages. (1) Among the measures announced to address the country’s longest recorded drought in 74 years are the construction of a reservoir and tax exemption for bottled water    Apparently aimed at widening access to…

  • France’s Global Warming Predicament

    When one of the world’s most developed culturally elite countries, France, tosses in the towel on the IPCC 2°C barrier, it sends a loud and clear message that the global warming fight is losing the battle.  Seriously, France expects 4°C. The country is bracing for 4°C according to Environment Minister Christophe Béchu: “We can’t escape…

  • Nuclear Turns Fashionable

    Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are the new nuclear craze, especially with the U.S. Congress, as America’s representatives see SMRs as a big answer to energy needs and reduction of greenhouse gases, advertised as a green deal for clean energy that skirts the heavy costs of paying the Middle East billions upon billions. However, the devil…