Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Reiterating the Need for Limits

    Reiterating the Need for Limits

    Stan Cox recently published several articles making the unpopular argument that confronting the problem of climate change with any commitment to energy justice, social justice, and any reasonable expectation for retaining necessary ecological balances, cycles and integrity will require that we think about limits when it comes to energy production and consumption [1].  He and…

  • Artificial Intelligence: The Final Frontier of Domination

    Robots will take over the world, maybe soon. This is a view held by eminent scientists like Stephen Hawking and James Lovelock. Physicists and engineers are building artificial intelligences (AIs) that are smarter than we are, but they’re still computers. Will they be able to develop consciousness and a sense of their own self-interest? If…

  • How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money

    How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money Ellen Brown January 23, 2018     In a blatant example of “do as I say, not as I do,” the US government is profiting handsomely by accepting marijuana cash in the payment of taxes while imposing huge penalties on banks for accepting it as deposits. Onerous reporting…

  • Bondage Scandal: Looking Beneath the Surface

    When I shook hands with Eric Greitens following the 2016 debate for Missouri Governor, none of us on the Green team imagined that, a year before, he had tied a woman up, blindfolded her, undressed her, photographed her and warned that he would release the photo if she ever said what happened. The story made…

  • Betting the Earth on a Game of Wrap-Cut-Smash

    Betting the Earth on a Game of Wrap-Cut-Smash

      . . .The Earth is having to deal with continuous, largely unchecked emissions of greenhouse gases, along with soil degradation, mass extinction of species, destruction of ecosystems, and disruption of nitrogen, phosphorous, and water cycles. Meanwhile, efforts to head off the planet-wide ecological crisis remain trapped in a game of rock-paper-scissors [1]    …

  • Student Debt Slavery II: Time to Level the Playing Field

    Student Debt Slavery II: Time to Level the Playing Field   Ellen Brown January 5, 2018   This is the second in a two-part article on the debt burden America’s students face. Read Part 1 here. The lending business is heavily stacked against student borrowers. Bigger players can borrow for almost nothing, and if their…

  • Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers on the Backs of the Young

      Ellen Brown December 26, 2017     Higher education has been financialized, transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash cow for private investors.   The advantages of slavery by debt over “chattel” slavery – ownership of humans as a property right – were set out in an infamous document called the Hazard Circular, reportedly…

  • Book Review: Lenin 2017

    Lenin 2017   In recent years Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek has engaged in a rather interesting project: editing and introducing writings by great revolutionary leaders. In 2002 Revolution at the Gates, a collection of Lenin’s writings from 1917 (including the critical “April Theses”) was published. In 2007 writings by Robespierre, Trotsky, and Mao for Verso’s…

  • Can everything run on renewable energy? An outline of the negative case

    The potential and limits to renewable energy are hotly debated, and far from settled. Many people take it for granted that it can meet all our energy needs, and numerous impressive agencies and technical reports say this.  However until the last few years when simulations based on detailed weather data have become available nearly all…

  • Not Hot Enough: Can Renewable Energy Build a Renewable Energy Economy?

    Not Hot Enough: Can Renewable Energy Build a Renewable Energy Economy?

    Renewable electricity is booming. Wind electricity is now the cheapest kind there is. Solar power, even when combined with storage batteries to function when the sun doesn’t shine, can be had on the wholesale markets at a price competitive with natural gas, the cheapest fossil fuel. Suddenly it looks like we really can get 100%…