Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Methane SOS

    Methane SOS

     CREDIT: SHIRSHOV INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY Global warming is on speed, especially in northern latitudes where an international team of scientists led by Igor Semiletov of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia’s oldest technical institution, recently made a startling discovery aboard the Academic Mstislav Keldysh (see photo above), the kind of discovery that sends chills down the spine, i.e.,…


  • The Young C.L.R. James

    One of the most illuminating scenes from Milton Knight’s The Young C.L.R. James: A Graphic Novelette depicts him as a seven year old. Young James is watching a cricket game excitedly from a window in his house. “Cricket was the only game.” “Our house was superbly situated, exactly behind the wicket.” His enjoyment is interrupted by a shout: “Cyril!”…

  • Green Party Debates Green New Deal

    Green Party Debates Green New Deal by Don Fitz Despite the furor over the Green New Deal (GND), many of its supporters have no idea of the wide variety of views on it, especially within the Green Party (GP), where it originated in the US. From June through August, 2019 Missouri Greens held public discussions…

  • Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Crisis

    Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Crisis

    Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which experienced three massive meltdowns in 2011, is running out of room to store radioactive water. No surprise! But now, what to do about phosphorescent water? Addressing the issue, Japan’s environmental minister Yoshiaki Harada held a news conference (September 2019). Unfortunately, he proffered the following advice: “The…

  • Politicians Agree: “Any White Cop Can Kill a Black Man”

    Politicians Agree: “Any White Cop Can Kill a Black Man” by Don Fitz In 2017 my article, “Any White Cop Can Kill a Black Man at Any Time,” told how St. Louis cop Jason Stockley killed a 24-year-old black man, Anthony Lamar Smith. Though Stockley claimed he had fired in self defense when Smith pulled…

  • Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power

        Conceding that their grip on the economy is slipping, central bankers are proposing a radical economic reset that would shift yet more power from government to themselves.   Central bankers are acknowledging that they are out of ammunition. Mark Carney, the soon-to-be-retiring head of the Bank of England, said in a speechat the annual…

  • What Is Energy Denial?

    What Is Energy Denial? by Don Fitz The fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day of 1970 will be in 2020. As environmentalism has gone mainstream during that half a century, it has forgotten its early focus and shifted toward green capitalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than abandonment of the slogan popular during the…

  • Killing the Ocean

    The oceans are crying for mercy, a fact that is starkly revealed in a telling 900-page draft of a forthcoming UN report due for release September 25. The draft report obtained by Agence France-Presse (AFP) assesses the status of the oceans and cryosphere. It’s a landmark UN report, and it’s not a pretty picture. In…

  • 5 Ways to Start the Transition

    Use less energy Eat less meat Cultivate your garden Plant trees Learn the Law of Limits Earth’s climate is turning against life in its current configuration. This is going to be bad for most creatures, notably us, which is fitting because humanity is the culprit. You probably don’t feel personally responsible. All of us in…