Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Thinking Politically

  • Nicaragua is the Exception: Letter to a Cynic

    “That’s unbelievable,” my father-in-law wrote me from Ireland after watching me give a statistic-heavy webinar on the advances for the poor in Nicaragua since 2007. “I know, right?” I replied. “No, I mean it’s actually unbelievable,” he wrote back. “For cynical people like me, our faith in humanity has been undermined. The story of a…

  • Challenge Capitalist Use of Agriculture a s a Weapon of Domination

    Challenge Capitalist Use of Agriculture a s a Weapon of Domination

    It is time to take action against corporate methods of agriculture which poison the food our families eat, threaten the survival of soil ecosystems, destroy the livelihood of farmers, crush farmworker organizing efforts and subjugate entire countries. Here are a few of the many ways that people are challenging capitalist agriculture, from the very theoretical…

  • Ho Chi Minh’s Connection to the African-American Struggle

    “The Truth Challenge” 4/25/2018 If you possess even a cursory history of oppressed peoples, then you have undoubtedly heard of the great Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh and the outstanding Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey. Ho Chi Minh, who’s actual name was Nguyen Ai Quoc, was the founder and leader of the Viet Minh Front, which was the…

  • US Waging Domestic War and Preparing for More

    As the economic, political, and moral crisis of capitalism deepens, it is clear that the rulers have made their decision. And that decision is intensified class warfare in the U.S and abroad. This understanding is important because it recognizes that, because of the commitment to neoliberal market fundamentalism and the irreconcilable contradictions that emerged from…

  • Celebrating Amilcar Cabral: National Liberation and Culture

    Every September 12, we like to celebrate the life of Amilcar Cabral, the father of Cape Verdean and Guinea Bissau’s independence. As you all know, Cabral fought for the independence of his land, of his people, from the imperial Portuguese domination. He also talked a lot about understanding the link between national liberation and culture. The…

  • Cuban Dilemmas, Socialist Debates

    The situation created in Cuba following the events of July 11th raises questions on a number of levels for those of us fighting for a society free from class exploitation and all forms of oppression – for those who aspire to build what Marx called the “true realm of freedom” with free and equal people…

  • AFRICOM in the Congo

    Its immeasurable mineral resources have made the Congo the victim of a long history of Western greed, plunder, and genocidal violence. AFRICOM’s recent arrival in the Congo — ostensibly to fight ISIS — will only extend this history; we can be sure these military forces will do more to support the US looting of the…