Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Biodiversity / Biodevastation

  • Plans to Dig the Biggest Lithium Mine in the US Face Mounting Opposition

    Plans to Dig the Biggest Lithium Mine in the US Face Mounting Opposition

    URLThe opponents view lithium extraction as the latest gold rush, and fear that the desperation to abate the climate crisis is driving a race into avoidable environmental degradation. The flawed assumption behind the “clean energy transition,” they argue, is that it can maintain levels of consumption that are inherently unsustainable. “We want people to understand…

  • Mother Nature, Inc.

    Mother Nature, Inc.

    Wall Street investors have hit the jackpot. Soon they’ll be able to buy, own, and dictate The Commons, public lands, the world of Mother Nature. In fact, a pilot project is already in the works with ecosystems up for sale as Wall-Streeters anxiously prepare to gobble up the valued benefits of Mother Nature. According to…

  • Code Red on FacingFuture.TV

    Code Red on FacingFuture.TV

    FacingFuture.TV recently hosted a preview of the upcoming IPCC 2021 UN climate report, which report guides the gathering of dignitaries from around the world meeting in Glasgow this November to discuss, analyze, and decide how to deal with global warming/climate change. View the interview here: According to the Code Red interview, the IPCC is…

  • Trump’s Favorite Pesticide Banned!

    Trump’s Favorite Pesticide Banned!

    The Biden EPA has put a stop to use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food crops, thereby reversing a decision by the Trump administration to allow it to continue to be sprayed on vegetables and fruit in spite of an Obama administration order in 2015 to ban the pesticide for public health reasons. This is…

  • A Massive Landslide Sends a Wake-up to BC’s Mining Sector

    In the same way that melting ice is opening sea lanes and unlocking new economic opportunities, the retreat of B.C glaciers will expose new ground for mining exploration. Much of this activity will occur in landscapes destabilized by the loss of glacial ice. A recent landslide that saw a mountainside collapse near one of B.C.’s…

  • Drought, Flood, Fire (A Book Review)

    Drought, Flood, Fire (A Book Review)

    The world is on fire like never before: “Wildfires Have Erupted Across the Globe Scorching Places That Rarely Burned Before” (CNN headlines July 22, 2021), but not only is fire raging, Biblical floods are destroying entire communities, e.g. 9,000 homes swept away in central China (BBC News) as towns were nearly decimated in Germany, (“Europe’s…

  • Apocalypse

    At the turn of the new century Frontline aired a two-hour PBS Special, APOCALYPSE! The program traced the evolution of apocalyptic belief from its origin within the Jewish experience after Babylonian exile, to modern times. Historians and biblical scholars were interviewed to discuss the concept of End Times and doomsday in order to elucidate the…

  • 121 Degrees in Canada: Don’t Crank up the AC!

    121 Degrees in Canada: Don’t Crank up the AC!

    On June 22, 2021, the town of Lytton, British Columbia, hit 121° F (49.6° C), obliterating the old Canadian high temperature record of 113°. It was a fun fact with perhaps a shudder of alarm attached, but heat waves happen. The natural reaction is to turn up the air conditioning (except that people in those…

  • World hunger increasing for first time since turn of the century

    The number of people suffering from malnutrition worldwide rose to 815 million in 2016, rising by 38 million from the year before. According to a new report co-signed by five United Nations agencies and charities, and made public by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAOUN) on Friday, this was the first such…