Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.

Category: Biodiversity / Biodevastation

  • On the Dialectics of Technology: Past and Present

    Since the heyday of technological determinism in the 1960s, many authors have written eloquently about how developments in technology are more typically the outcome of particular social and economic arrangements. Some contributions that have significantly shaped my own thinking include: • Lewis Mumford’s observation that inventions like glass and steam engines were first developed for…

  • Scenario 2050

    Scenario 2050

    No one knows what the world will be like in 2050 as a result of the worsening climate. My scenario suggests that the worst effects will not be directly caused by climate change but by human-created conditions that make our supposedly mighty civilization fragile. These conditions include excessive extraction, production, consumption and waste from a…

  • 15 Nuclear Reactors in the Midst of Battle

    15 Nuclear Reactors in the Midst of Battle

    Russian forces have captured Chernobyl, a 1,000 square mile radioactive exclusion zone. But more significantly, what about Ukraine’s nuclear reactors smack dab in the middle of a theatre of war? A complicating/dangerous aspect of Russia’s invasion is the status of Chernobyl’s sister reactors, 15 reactors at four nuclear power plants exposed in a war zone…

  • Ocean Heat Killing Spree

    Ocean Heat Killing Spree

    The oceans of the world are undergoing a dangerous and damaging upheaval that manifests throughout scientific studies of late. Whether it’s the fisheries of the Bering Strait or coral reefs of the Mediterranean Sea or emaciated Gray Whales along the Pacific coastline, study after study after study describes sudden, sharp downturns in all categories of…

  • The Oceans Are Overheating

    The world’s oceans in 2021 witnessed the hottest temperatures in recorded history. (Source: Lijing Cheng, et al, Another Record: Ocean Warming Continues Through 2021 Despite La Niña Conditions, Advanced in Atmospheric Sciences, January 11, 2022)According to the Ocean Conservancy: “From the beginning of industrialization until today, the ocean has absorbed more than 90 percent of…

  • Warnings from the Far North

    “Forces profound and alarming are reshaping the upper reaches of the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, breaking the food chain that supports billions of creatures and one of the world’s most important fisheries.”(Source: Susanne Rust, Unprecedented Die-offs, Melting Ice: Climate Change is Wreaking Havoc in the Arctic and Beyond, Los Angeles Times, December 17, 2021)…

  • Japan’s Upcoming Nuclear Waste Dump

    Nuclear waste is an interminable curse that eternally haunts the future of civilization for hundreds/thousands of years.  “The challenge of making nuclear power safer doesn’t end after the power has been generated. Nuclear fuel remains dangerously radioactive for thousands of years after it is no longer useful in a commercial reactor.” (Source: Nuclear Waste, Union…

  • Review of “Climate Justice and Community Renewal”

    Climate Justice and Community Renewal, edited by Brian Tokar and Tamra Gilbertson, New York, Routledge, 2020. Review by Bob Spivey The COP26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland must be added to a long series of failures of UN-convened international meetings to meet the urgent social and ecological needs of a world threatened by catastrophic climate change.…

  • Burned-out Forests Are Not Regrowing

    Trees are not regrowing in burned-out forests. This strange occurrence is becoming more frequent as global warming turns verdant flora into flammable tinder, causing more and bigger wild forest fires. This article will examine the science behind failure of trees to regrow in burned-out forests. Additionally, and as a collateral issue, this puts one more…

  • The Woody Biomass Blunder

    The Woody Biomass Blunder

    One of the most controversial fixes for global warming is the use of woody biomass — cutting trees, burning trees to achieve “carbon neutral” status in the worldwide battle to conquer climate change/global warming. The term carbon neutral (which is not the same as zero carbon and not a scientific term) when used to distinguish…