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Tag: greenhouse gas emissions

  • The Green Old Deal

    There are a lot of things to like about the recent resolution for the Green New Deal. The commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the acknowledgment of the catastrophic events that will occur if the world does not act soon- these are all healthy signs. Like Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign which removed many stigmas about…

  • Who is the we in ‘We are causing climate change’?

    eople writing on climate change really like to use the word we. “We could have prevented global warming in the ’80s.” “We are emitting more carbon dioxide than ever.” “We need to ramp up solutions to the climate crisis.” That verbal tic was in full effect on Monday, after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its special report on…

  • Averting the Apocalypse: Lessons from Costa Rica

    "If we want to have any hope of averting catastrophe, we’re going to have to do something about our addiction to growth." Earlier this summer, a paper published in the journal Nature captured headlines with a rather bleak forecast. Our chances of keeping global warming below the 2C danger threshold are very, very small: only…

  • Why we can’t rely on corporations to save us from climate change

    While businesses have been principal agents in increasing greenhouse gas emissions, they are also seen by many as crucial to tackling climate change. However, our research shows how corporations’ ambitious pro-climate proposals are systematically degraded by criticism from shareholders, media, governments, other corporations and managers. This “market critique” reveals the underlying tension between the demands…