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Tag: Democratic Party

  • Why the Green Party Isn’t the Problem

    Let’s start off with the original sin of the Green Party. They cost Gore the election in Florida with their 97,000+ votes. With a margin of losing by 543 votes, surely of those 97,000 + at least 544 could have ‘seen the light’ and voted the way they were ‘suppose’ to vote. So do we…

  • Michael Harrington and his afterlives

    Michael Harrington (1928-1989) was the most important advocate for democratic socialism in the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century. He is widely, and deservedly, recognized for writing The Other America, a seminal exposé of poverty in the United States. However, Michael Harrington was not simply a public intellectual but a political activist…

  • The Green Party – Marks in a Media Con Job

    November, 2016 came and went and the world has since been immersed in the predicament of the Republican regime headed by the insane orange clown president and his unelected, and all-too-present familia. Within the American duopoly, the “opposition” Democratic Party has yet to recover from its resounding defeat and humiliation, retreating indefinitely into surreal and…

  • St. Louis Mayor’s Race Underscores Pitfalls of Plurality Elections

    On March 7, 2017 Lyda Krewson won the Democratic Party nomination for mayor of St. Louis City with only 32.0% of the vote. Ms. Krewson is white. Six black candidates split over two-thirds of the votes. The problem goes beyond color. One of the hot-button issues has been the New Life homeless shelter, called a…